Holbein: Eye of the Tudors
Produced by George Martin
Take That: Look Back, Don't Stare
The Méliès Mystery
Princess Diana: Tragedy or Treason?
Being the Queen
Ghost Cat: Saving the Clouded Leopard
Cher and the Loneliest Elephant
Herbert Nitsch: Back from the Abyss
Antes de que nos olviden
Vigée Le Brun: The Queens Painter
The Search for Life: The Drake Equation
Tony Robinson's VE Day Minute by Minute
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations
Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl
Unbroken: The Snowboard Life of Mark McMorris
Chernobyl's Deadly Secrets
Roar: The Most Dangerous Movie Ever Made
Wild Appalachia
The Exorcism of Roland Doe
Egypt's Lost Queens
They Call Me Dr. Miami